To The Age        Ross Gittins provides an analysis of the differences between the Coalition and Labor that is slanted to attract more votes to Labor ("A real choice this election", 15/5). Just look at this sentence of his: "Labor wants to make the well-off (including the well-off retired) pay more tax, while using the proceeds to increase government spending on health, education, childcare and much else." And this phrase: "The biggest redistribution of income from high income earners to low and middle income earners we've seen in ages." And his conclusion: "Will your choice be aimed at benefiting yourself and your family, or the wider community and 'those less fortunate than ourselves'?" Not a word about the more important contrast between the major parties: Australia to remain under the Coalition a free nation (well, relatively, at least) or to become (thanks to an ALP-Greens alliance) a state-controlled socialist community on the way to communist tyranny.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

All Blog Posts Authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.