I knew it, but was too nervous to put it into print here because I did not want anyone to think that I was a right wing extremist:

“Artificial intelligence continues to make strides and in doing so, will not only eliminate the need for human beings but cause death, according to Steve Quayle.  Quayle says that in the very near future, robots will have simply one prime directive and that will be: kill all humans. Radio legend, filmmaker, and prolific published book author Steve Quayle says the robot/transhumanism world of the elite will become fully visible in just a few years. In an interview with USA Watchdog’s Greg Hunter, Quayle contends, “When people ask me what is on the horizon beyond transhumanism, I can say to you, at this point, nothing. When they say it’s going to be in the year 2030 or 2045, in my opinion, and let’s see if it holds . . . my estimate, based on where we are now, they will start to manifest fully by 2022. These will be . . . “demon-possessed machines”. . . . Imagine a robot that is programmed, and you know what the final command that will be given to a robot will be? When they become totally autonomous and demon possessed, they will have simply one prime directive and that will be: kill all humans.”

     Presumably, that means, kill us. Yet, self-aware robots in the movies always have a nasty tendency to mutate faster than super-bugs, and turn against their former masters. The elites may have bitten off more of the chips than they can chew, or even swallow.