Hillary Clinton cannot let go of the idea that the Russians stole the US election and thus stopped her from becoming president, and in turn going to war with Russia, thus ending all intelligent life in the known universe. Now, she throws dirt at Russia whenever she can like the spoilt Boomer that she is:

“One-and-a-half years after Hillary Clinton lost the election, she’s taken her baseless claims of Russian collusion to her alma mater, pulling out a Russian hat while speaking at Yale’s graduation ceremony. The former secretary of state, who has hardly taken a breath in her campaign against Moscow and claims that it colluded with Donald Trump, wasted no time before jumping straight into the topic of Russia on Sunday. After a few obligatory “thank yous” to students and the faculty, she got stuck in. “I see you are following the tradition of over-the-top hats [at graduation], so I brought a hat too – a Russian hat,” she said. “I mean, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” https://www.rt.com/usa/427277-clinton-yale-russia-speech/

     All this  after the system almost bursting trying to drum up evidence of a Russian conspiracy, failed hopelessly. It goes to show that the liberal Left are detached from reality, probably a product of the narcissism that the Boomer generation developed. Yes, affluence does indeed have a dark side, sorry.