At the moment here in Melbourne, the socialist cubs have posters up, open borders or fascism. No grey areas here; you either let everybody in, or die the death of being a racist, the worst possible thing in the Left-universe. Quick, roll around on the ground, screaming for mercy from the mighty race police! But, wait, if these people are so opposed to walls, physical and metaphysical, what about walls in pc places like Africa?

“The tiny oil-rich central African nation of Equatorial Guinea is carrying on plans to erect a wall along its 183km-long border with Cameroon. The plans have sparked controversy with Cameroon authorities because of concerns about encroachment into Cameroon’s territory.  Equato-Guinean officials are said to have already erected milestonesto demarcate the line along which the border wall will be constructed. The move, similar of US president Donald Trump’s pledge to build the controversial US-Mexico border wall, has angered Cameroon’s government. It dispatched its army chief of staff at the end of July to the border town of Kye-Ossi for a situation report and stationed elite forces along the border. There has been a history of border friction between Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. Tensions have been rising between the central African neighbors since Equatorial Guinea discovered oil in the 1990s. The smaller country has often blamed Cameroon for allowing illegal migrants from West and Central Africa, especially Nigeria and Cameroon, to pass through en route to Equatorial Guinea in search of economic opportunity. Eq Guinea officials seems to fear an influx of foreigners will weaken efforts to provide jobs to its citizens, majority of whom still live in poverty.

     The same arguments about border protection are thus made by an African country. What do our socialist friends say about this? Do they want open borders within Africa? But if they say this, being white socialists, isn’t that racist, indeed, colonialism all over again? I imagine their brains might blow a fuse, much like in the opening of Mission Impossible. This Leftist tape/disc/memory stick, will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck Jim!