While even some anti-Trump liberals have seen the writing on the wall, and denounced political correctness, others like Arnie Schwarzensplatter, sorry, Schwarzenegger, have gone in the opposite direction, and are undoing their tougher past:

“Arnold Schwarzenegger used to joke that only “girlie men” opposed energetic capitalism and traditional American values. But now, the former bodybuilder, Hollywood star, and California governor is apologizing for popularizing the phrase. Schwarzenegger once made a name for himself with his he-man political style, making fun of his opponents as weaklings who could not lead. At least as early as 2004 Schwarzenegger called California Democrats “girlie men” and noted that in the next election the GOP would “terminate” them. His phrase even became the stuff of Saturday Night Live parody in the characters of faux bodybuilders Hans and Franz. In a new interview with Men’s Health magazine, Schwarzenegger is abjectly apologetic over his “girlie men” taunt. “At the time it felt like the right thing to do. It was in my gut. I improvised it. I called them girlie men because they weren’t willing to take risks,” the actor told the magazine. “They were afraid of everything,” he explained. “Politicians, in general, want to do little things, so there’s no risk involved.”

But, today there are regrets. Schwarzenegger now says his rhetoric was counterproductive. “It was shortsighted. In the long term, it’s better to not say that, because you want to work with them.” “If you have a little sense of history, you know that the best things are accomplished when both parties work together and start compromising like Ronald Reagan did with Tip O’Neill,” Schwarzenegger told the magazine. “They argued in public and attacked each other, but with a little wink. That’s why so much got done in the Reagan administration. When you can reach out across the aisle and work together, you can get much more accomplished, rather than ‘girlie men’ or ‘f**k you’ or ‘it’s my way or the highway.'”

     There has been speculation from younger Alt Right men that once-big Arnie has lost it because his use of steroids in the past is now leading to hormonal imbalance as oestrogen roars through his system. That could be so. But, it is much more likely that political correctness roars through his brain because that is the side he chose, thinking that inclusion will win. It comes with being in Kalifornication for so long. As well as this, little Arnie has a groping past that is still in the memory of the libtard regime:

     He is now paying for his sins, or in the alternative, may have already paid for them.