First, forget worrying about the boats, the real problem has always been asylum seekers coming in by plane:

“More than 95,000 asylum seekers have arrived in Australia by plane over the past five years triggering fears over exploitation and slavery. New figures have revealed about 80 people per day since the start of July have claimed protection after landing at an Australian airport. But the Morrison government has defended its border protection policies, saying the number of arrivals actually dropped last year, compared to the previous one. The figures were disclosed in answers to Questions on Notice from Labor’s spokesperson for Home Affairs and Immigration Kristina Keneally. “There’s nothing wrong with claiming asylum. It’s an important right,” Senator Keneally said. “However, in 90 per cent of these particular cases, the individuals are not legitimate refugees and are often being trafficked to Australia for the explicit purpose of being exploited.” Labor is warning Australia is on track to post a new annual record for asylum seeker arrivals by air. It said 4,037 aeroplane arrivals have made a claim for protection between 1 July 2019 and 19 August 2019. But Immigration Minister David Coleman said that based on the same period last year, the figures were actually down for the number of arrivals seeking asylum. "We won’t be taking any advice from Labor, whose mismanagement of our border was an absolute disgrace," he said.”

     Given these figures, the Libtards have also been a “disgrace” too. Then, we have the problem of New Zealand, which now seems to be going the way of Sweden under the eternal “I am the queen of political correctness” pm, who does not appear to be presently wearing her very stylish hijab, which made her extremely attractive in a culturally sensitive way. Anyway, all of her asylum seekers will no doubt soon be here as well:

“Amid growing pressure, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on Friday abolished a policy that restricted refugees from the Middle East and Africa, The New York Times reports. The decade-old rule had been set in place by New Zealand's previous administration and had long been viewed by refugee advocates as discriminatory. Under the policy, refugees from Middle Eastern and African countries were only allowed to enter New Zealand if they could show proof that a relative already lived in the country. The move can be seen as a win for Ardern, who has been viewed globally as supporter of refugees and migrants since the Christchurch mosque shootings in March. Additionally, New Zealand's quota for refugees will reportedly increase from 1,000 to 1,500 next year. Fifteen percent of that number will come from either the Middle East of Africa. The reversal of policy sets New Zealand opposite of policies introduced by the United States and Australia. Last week, President Trump announced a historic cut to the number of refugees that the U.S. will accept next year. The new limit, 18,000, is the lowest amount ever set by the country. Australia's process of detaining refugees offshore has also been widely condemned.”

     So, this is probably the elites’ way of pulling Australia’s immigration horns in. Send a letter of protest to our prime minister. Time to abandon the Tasman agreement anyway.