By CR on Tuesday, 12 May 2020
Category: Health

Exercise and Arthritis By Mrs Vera West

     Cold winter mornings are worse; you feel like you have rusted, with iron spikes going into your joints. It’s arthritis, the curse of the old, and nowadays, not so old. But, however painful it may be to get moving, move one must, or, to continue the metaphor, you simply rust more. Exercise, thus, is essential:

“A study has found that regular physical activity is key to naturally relieving the symptoms of arthritis.
Joint pain and quality of life
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that at least 15 million adults in America with arthritis suffer from severe joint pain. The symptom is categorized as pain at seven or higher on a scale of zero to 10. Findings from the CDC show that even though physical activity can naturally reduce arthritis pain, almost 50 percent of adults with arthritis and severe joint pain are physically inactive. Both severe joint pain and physical inactivity are associated with poor mental and physical health outcomes. Suffering from joint pain can affect quality of life and a person’s ability to do normal tasks like holding a glass of water or carrying a bag of groceries. This means that exercising can be a challenge, which may put you off from working out altogether.
Natural pain relief through exercise
Over 50 million adults in America have arthritis, and the majority of patients with the condition use medication to manage joint pain. But according to researchers, exercising regularly, which can be difficult to do if you have arthritis, is just as effective as prescription drugs at reducing pain caused by arthritis. Randy Siy, a physical therapist and the outpatient program coordinator at Levindale Hebrew Geriatric Center and Hospital, explained that patients with arthritis will benefit from increasing their physical activity more gradually compared with someone without the condition. Siy added that working with a physical therapist will help them develop a program that will specifically meet their level of function and address their health goals. Additionally, exercise is an effective and inexpensive way of reducing pain. Unlike arthritis medication that causes negative side effects, such as heartburn, internal bleeding or high blood pressure, exercise can help delay or prevent disability and limitations without any adverse effects. Exercising may also help boost mental health, physical functioning and overall quality of life for those who suffer from painful arthritis.”

     A holistic approach to exercise is best, combining range of motion, stretching, aerobic (such as walking), and resistance exercises such as weights, done sensibly of course, perhaps involving body weight exercises such as squats. Most importantly, before beginning any exercise regime, get a medical check-up and a doctor’s A-Okay. You do not want to overdo it and have a heart attack and die. What would be the point of that, now? So, get that ticker checked out, please.

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