What an embarrassment America of today is; it cannot put together a really good false flag anymore, only cheap tossed together ones by some intern. Thus, on day one we have Japan trying to do the right thing and avert war, through negotiating with Iran. Then the Trumper says that the US is not ready for this, presumably because those who control him told him so. Ok, that is the way this putrid world works. But then Iran decides to torpedo a Japanese ship because, well, they just want to be bombed by the US. What other reason could there be, but a death wish? Or, the US did another pathetic false flag, just like the one before, and one before that.

     There is no evidence released showing that Iran did this. Still why should the Deepers even bother now trying to justify anything? Just do it, as the slogan does. You need to kill Iran? Just do it. You need to have war with Russia? What is stopping you, just do it. Let’s get this over and done with because it is getting mighty repetitive. The globo-psychos must have their blood and money. Just do it, and be damned.