Not only do we have, among the caravan of illegals heading to the US border for compassion invasion, people who have openly stated that they are only there to take  US jobs, but now we find that some of them are even lodging law suits against the Trump administration, even before getting to Us territory! That has to be a bloody first; people allegedly soooo desperate, and yet someone has an interest to lodge a lawsuit, even before getting to the border!

“ [A] dozen migrants traveling by foot from Honduras to the U.S. to seek asylum filed a class-action lawsuit Thursday against President Trump, the Department of Homeland Security and others, claiming a violation of their due process under the Fifth Amendment. The Fifth Amendment states that, "no person… shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." A recent PBS report cited former Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who ruled in 1993 case that "it is well established that the Fifth Amendment entitles aliens to due process of law in a deportation proceeding." Twelve Honduran nationals, including six children, are listed as plaintiffs in the lawsuit.

The suit, which was filed Thursday in the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., said it is widely known that Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are “undergoing a well-documented human rights crisis.” The lawsuit also claims that the plaintiffs’ right to the Administrative Procedures Act and the Declaratory Judgement Act were being infringed upon. The Central American migrant caravan now numbers approximately 4,000 people, down from a high of 7,200. The lawsuit points to Trump's claim that he will prevent the caravan from entering the U.S. It claims that the president cannot stop asylum-seekers by employing the military -- when they have a fair claim. The suit criticized the president's alleged attempt at stoking "fear and hysteria" by claiming that criminals and gang members have joined the caravan.”

     What’s that? Illegals have  constitutional rights? Trump has no authority to stop an invasion of the US? That smells a lot like old George, but certainly anti-Trump globalist forces are at work to bring this event about with perfect timing for the election. Trump needs to tie it up in the courts and proceed anyway, and if necessary, call martial law, and suspend the courts, which are infested with social justice warrior libtard traitors. Here are some wise thoughts from my favourite man of the Left, Kunstler, who can see through all the bs that the Demoncrats are emitting, raising the carbon footprint of the planet with their flatulence:

“Meanwhile, the Democratic Party has become the party of bad ideas and bad faith, starting with the position that “diversity and inclusion” means shutting down free speech, an unforgivable transgression against common sense and common decency. It’s a party that lies even more systematically than Mr. Trump, and does so knowingly (as when Google execs say they “Do no Evil”). Its dirty secret is that it relishes coercion, it likes pushing people around, telling them what to think and how to act. Its idea of “social justice” is a campus kangaroo court, where due process of law is suspended. And, it is deeply corrupt, with good old-fashioned grift, new-fashioned gross political misconduct in federal law enforcement, and utter intellectual depravity in higher education.

I hope that Democrats lose as many congressional and senate seats as possible. I hope that the party is shoved into an existential crisis and is forced to confront its astounding dishonesty. I hope that the process prompts them to purge their leadership across the board. If there is anything to salvage in this organization, I hope it discovers aims and principles that are unrecognizable from its current agenda of perpetual hysteria. But, if the party actually blows up and disappears, as the Whigs did a hundred and fifty years ago, I will be content. Out of the terrible turbulence, maybe something better will be born.

     Kunstler needs to keep hoping, because like the major parties in Australia, the rot is now too deep, and the entire political structure is so unsound that it needs major overhaul and rebuilding, from the ground up.