By CR on Friday, 20 July 2018
Category: Health

Breaking Free of Negativity and Drama By James Reed

     Mrs Vera West thought that a highly negative person like me could benefit from reading, Doreen Virtue, Don’t Let Anything Dull Your Sparkle, (Hay House, 2015). I felt that I simply had to have a Captain Cook at a book by a woman with the name “Virtue.” I found the book helpful, although it will be difficult for a cranky old sod like me to change his ways. But, stranger things have happened. You should read the book, but in a nutshell, she shows that the body becomes addicted to drama and negativity. Amazingly enough, even the wiring of the brain, the neural circuits change. Misery becomes needed as much as that morning drink of coffee. This is bad, and to change it, one needs to do a few things. Diet needs to be put under control, so that foods that release all of the bad chemicals such as histamines are minimised. You guessed it, there goes alcohol and junk food.

     Life needs to be de-stressed. Do you really need that job which is slowly, or even rapidly killing you? Develop a sense of self-worth. Be optimistic. Detox from dramas and post-traumatic triggers. Live mindfully, not dreading the future. Use essential oils. Meditate. Have a massage. Pray to God regularly. Gently exercise; yoga, not yoghurt. Connect with friends and family and have meaningful relationships. Am I crying yet? These are all good things to do. But, in my line of work, bad news comes in every time I look at the computer. They really do want to kill us. So, living in the trenches, I will undertake to whistle while I work, and look on the bright side of life:

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