Political censorship by Big Tech continues, by the day. Now the film Killing Europe has been removed because well … Islamophobia:

“A documentary by independent filmmaker Michael Hansen about mass migration and Islam in Europe, entitled Killing Europe, has been removed by Amazon from its Prime Video service. Amazon cited “quality assurance” concerns — despite the fact that the documentary had been hosted on the platform since 2017 without issue. Amazon’s censorship came shortly after Breitbart News covered Hansen’s new documentary, Killing Free Speech, which addresses the rise of Antifa and big tech censorship in the United States. In its message to Hansen, Amazon said his previous documentary (which is still available on YouTube) does not meet “customer content quality expectations.” Amazon would not respond to repeated requests from Hansen for the company to specify what content failed to meet its criteria. The documentary had previously been hosted on Amazon since 2017.”

     What! They only discovered that the film did not meet the vaguely formulated “customer content quality expectations” even though they had from 2017 to work that one out. What were the champions of political correctness doing with their time? Surely, they need to up their game in the banning stakes. Ban things before they even exist; that it the future; in fact the Left explicitly want to do that now. It is all so predictable.