It happened slowly at first, but day by day, the elites have worked away to destroy the traditional Christian legacy of the West. While it happened the Christians, who may have been vaguely aware that something bad was going on, were on average, inert, like an inert gas.

“It is with indifference that we witness a catastrophe of civilization with no precedent", wrote the French scholar historian Jean-François Colosimo, commenting on the destruction of Eastern Christianity. No religion, no community, is today more persecuted than Christians. Why, then, this silence by the West? Have we become so foreign to ourselves, to our roots and to our history, that we can contemplate this outbreak of jihadi violence without blinking an eye? Or are we so short-sighted that we hoped to buy "peace" with the Muslim extremists at the cost of abandoning those Christians? The same jihadi ideology that murdered Christian children in Sri Lanka, targeted European children in Nice, Manchester and Barcelona.”

     Yes, the contradictions of modern Christian life in the West continue to mount up. It has been one defeat and surrender after another, and now there seems little will to resist. In fact, the situation is no different to the weakness and apathy found in general in the mass population. It is grim and I, like most of us, can only hope for divine intervention to help us.