By CR on Sunday, 13 January 2019
Category: Health

A Metaphor for the West By Peter West

     Here is a good one which people ae taking as a metaphor for America, but it is just as relevant to Australia, or Western Europe; an obese man, planning to go out eating and gaming, with all guns blazing so to speak:

“34-year-old Casey King is so obese that he can’t work, he has to bathe outside in a trough like a pig, and he has to rely on his father to constantly take care of him. He now weighs more than 700 pounds, but he just keeps on eating massive amounts of unhealthy food. Just like America as a whole, he has absolutely no self-discipline and absolutely no desire to turn his life around. On some level he understands that he is literally killing himself with his destructive behavior, but he does not have a desire to change. Instead, he told TLC that he “will just eat until I am dead”… Featuring in a TLC TV series called Family by the Ton, Casey said: “I will just eat until I am dead, probably. “I wake up around 12, figure out something I’m going to eat immediately [then it’s] TV, video games, bed — it’s not a lot of activity. Because of the hot weather in Georgia he prefers to skip clothes, wearing only a headset through which he uses to chat to other gamers playing online.”

     This is an extreme case, but an alarming number of young people are on the same continuum. It does not fare well for the future of Western civilisation.

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