Good, the men have waddled off to drink beer, and wet themselves, so we ladies can have a heart-to-heart talk about … incontinence. It is a bigger problem that most of us think, as we usually suffer alone:

“One in three women suffers with incontinence, usually as a result of weakening of the muscles that control urination, such as the urethral sphincter, or the pelvic floor (a hammock of muscles that runs from the pubic bone to the spine, supporting the bladder, bowel and womb). There are different types, including stress incontinence — the most common form — which leads to leaks of urine when you cough, sneeze or laugh. Urge incontinence causes a sudden need to go as the bladder spasms. There is a range of products that claim to help with these problems. We asked Dr Penelope Law, a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at Hillingdon Hospital and The Portland Hospital in London, to assess a selection. We then rated them.”

     There is no easy summary here, but the take home message is that you are not alone. Seek help, usually pelvic flood exercises will be recommended. My pelvic floor collapsed decades ago, but yours need not. Obviously seek help from your doctor, and women doctors are good in this area. The Continence Foundation of Australia has an excellent website that will get you up to speed on bladder and bowel health:

     Remember the old poem:

When you need to go
Regulate the flow
Start and stop and start
Be really smart
And soon your pelvic floor
Will have you walking out the door!

     We are certainly the most unusual women’s life style site on the internet!