The Scheme to Murder Donald Trump! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

At present President Trump is being tried in New York, under a lawfare action, which was designed to destroy his presidential campaign. A biased jury has been put into place, with the jury questions eliminating anyone who is not hostile to Trump.

Now the Democrat lawmakers want to remove secret service protection from Trump if he is convicted. The reason is clearly that Trump can still campaign from prison. Thus, the tried and proven way of dealing with people in prison who have the potential to create problems for the globo commos, is to "Epstein" them, and have them murdered in prison, vaguely disguised as a suicide.

Trump in the worst-case scenario might consider taking an overseas trip and campaigning for the presidency from a country which does not have an extradition treaty with the US. A presidential campaign in exile.

The lawfare against Trump is relevant to the rest of the West, because there is no reason why it could not happen in Australia, if someone merged as a threat to the mass immigration globalist state. Pauline Hanson was imprisoned when she looked like being such a threat, but fortunately was not harmed, and she is in parliament today fighting the good fight. Bless her!

"Democrats want Trump dead.

House Democrats on Friday moved to strip President Trump of his Secret Service protection if he is convicted.

Democrat Rep. Bennie Thompson introduced a resolution that would terminate Trump's Secret Service protection. The legislation dubbed the "Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act would apply to all Secret Service protectees convicted and sentenced under felony charges.

"The DISGRACED Former Protectees Act would terminate Secret Service protection for individuals who otherwise qualify for it upon sentencing following conviction for a Federal or State felony," the announcement said.

"It is regrettable that it has come to this, but this previously unthought-of scenario could become our reality. Therefore, it is necessary for us to be prepared and update the law so the American people can be assured that protective status does not translate into special treatment —and that those who are sentenced to prison will indeed serve the time required of them," Democrat Rep. Bennie Thompson said according to the Washington Times."

"Obvious subtext here is that removing USSS would make it easier for someone to kill Trump, which is arguably the goal of Thompson's bill, H.R. 8081," Byron York said." 



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