The “Patriarchy” Only Exists in the Minds of Feminists! By Mrs Vera West

A nice debunking article has appeared, but is soon to be gone down the list at the American The point made is that feminists are still groaning about the glass ceiling and wage inequalities, even though this notion has been refuted many times over (women do not work in high-paying dangerous jobs, or do equivalent work). Their aim is not equality, but affirmative action advantage. It does not matter if this shows that they are not competing fairly, or are in fact equals, because feminism is about winning at all costs, as all Leftist ideologies are.

As for the patriarchy, that is the grand conspiracy that the academics do not call out. Thus, we can have a former female prime minister talk in these terms, having had the top job herself. If there really was a patriarchy, then it must be pretty inefficient! In fact, it only exists in the vivid imagination of feminists. The oppressed sex today is men, and the ordinary male has probably always been oppressed by the authorities and elites of the time. Women have in general not had to go to wars to be cannon, or spear fodder!

"The patriarchy, and its second cousin misogyny, are on the march! Women's rights are headed back to the dark ages. Or so we are told on a continuous loop from the mainstream media.

Those good folks who run the Internet tell me: "patriarchy is a social system in which positions of dominance and privilege are held by men."

As a second opinion: "within feminist scholarship, patriarchy has been understood more broadly as the system in which men as a group are constructed as superior to women as a group and as such have authority over them."

Its second cousin, "misogyny, hatred or prejudice against women, typically exhibited by men. It is generally accepted that misogyny is a consequence of patriarchy (male-dominated society), and the term may be applied to certain individuals as well as larger systems, societies, or cultures."

I hate to be a killjoy, but I call BS. Let us analyze reality rather than just wallowing in our own prejudices and emotions.

Almost 80% of all 1-12 schoolteachers are female. For kindergarten and pre-school the number is almost 97% female. Today, well over half of all principals are female; although to be fair one must note this was not always the case.

For most K-12 students, having a male teacher is a relatively rare occurrence. I'm certain many students can go their entire K-12 careers with never having a male instructor. This has been going on for generations.

These general trends continue to higher education too. Almost 60% of all college students are female.

Yet somehow, we are to believe that in this environment -- which spans multiple generations -- women are willingly instilling in their students -- and themselves -- patriarchal and misogynist beliefs. Free women are supposedly doing this, not men!" 



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